Removing the top from your loupe March 01 2013, 0 Comments

Removing the top element from your loupe is very simple!

If you have the normal, tall top on your loupe, press the top edge of the rubber inward with your thumb, so that a gap appears along its bottom edge, then with the other fingers of the same hand gently lift up the rubber top.  The silicone will stretch around the mounting flange, and the top will easily come off. 

If you have the flat top on your loupe, place your thumb on the flat portion of the rubber top, and then use the tips of your fingers (or the fingernails) of the same hand to gently lift the rubber top up from the edge between it and the middle element of the loupe.  The silicone will stretch around the mounting flange, and the top will easily come off.

Our thanks to Adi Soon from Revolution for the great video!